The Columbia history of Chinese literature

New York : Columbia university press, 2010
Abstract/Sommario: The Columbia History of Chinese Literature is a comprehensive yet portable guide to China's vast literary traditions. Stretching from earliest times to the present, the text features original contributions by leading specialists working in all genres and periods. Chapters cover poetry, prose, fiction, and drama, and consider such contextual subjects as popular culture, the impact of religion, the role of women, and China's relationship with non-Sinitic languages and peoples. Opening wi ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione The Columbia history of Chinese literature / Victor H. Mair editor. - Paperback edition. - New York : Columbia university press, 2010. - XX, 1342 p. ; 24 cm.
  • EAN: 9780231109857
  • 895.109 - LETTERATURA CINESE. Storia, descrizione, studio critico
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Mair, Victor H.
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