Greene, Rachel

Internet art

London : Thames & Hudson, 2004
Abstract/Sommario: When the internet emerged as a mass global communication network in the mid-1990s, artists immediately recognized the exciting possibilities for creative innovation that came with it. This book considers the many diverse forms of internet art and the tools and equipment used to create them, while discussing the wider cultural context and historical importance of the work. Covering email art, websites, artist-designed software and projects that blur the boundaries between art and design ...; [leggi tutto]
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Campo Valore
Descrizione Internet art / Rachel Greene. - London : Thames & Hudson, 2004. - 224 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
  • ISBN: 0500203768
  • 702.85 - BELLE ARTI E ARTI DECORATIVE. Elaborazione dei dati
Luogo di pubblicazione
  • London - [Luogo di pubblicazione]
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ID scheda 2799
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Greene, Rachel
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