Nobuo, Tsuji

History of art in Japan

New York : Columbia University Press, 2019
Abstract/Sommario: History of Art in Japan is a fully illustrated overview of Japanese art, written by one of Japan’s most distinguished art historians. This masterful account of the country’s exceptional cultural heritage sheds light on how Japan has nurtured distinctive aesthetics, prominent artists, and movements that have achieved global influence and popularity. A leading authority on Japanese art history, Tsuji Nobuo discusses works ranging from the Jōmon period to contemporary art, from earthen ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione History of art in Japan / Tsuji Nobuo ; translated by Nicole Coolidge Rousmaniere. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2019. - 631 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
  • EAN: 9780231193412
  • 709.52 - BELLE ARTI E ARTI DECORATIVE. Giappone
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Coolidge Rousmaniere, Nicole
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