Art at the turn of the millennium

Koln etc.! : Taschen, 1999!
Abstract/Sommario: At the turn of the millennium, art is beginning to reflect the diversity of humanity's dreams and realities at a most dynamic time in human history. This volume is a virtual gallery, a trawl through the art world, with an A-Z of the biggest names, the rising stars and the new kids on the block.
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Descrizione Art at the turn of the millennium / editors: Burkhard Riemschneider, Uta Grosenick ; authors: Lars Bang Larsen ... et al!. - Koln etc.! : Taschen, 1999!. - 575 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
  • ISBN: 3822871958
  • 709.049 - BELLE ARTI E ARTI DECORATIVE. 1990-1999
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Grosenick, Uta
Larsen, Lars Bang
Riemschneider, Burkhard
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